Glen Washington is the founder of ujuuziHUB, an innovative platform that connects skilled professionals with clients needing a variety of on-demand services across Kenya. With a mission to increase accessibility and convenience for home and business services, ujuuziHUB is designed to empower local professionals by providing them with new opportunities while delivering high-quality services to customers. My background in tech-driven solutions and a deep commitment to creating employment through accessible service networks drive my work with ujuuziHUB and align well with JamiiTrade's focus on impactful trade and service solutions.
Hi family,
I am super interested in these areas to collaboratively working with you guys. Who are also interested in?!
Mayaya Kashinje Singu Mack – a social entrepreneur, researcher and consultant; specialized and experienced in social enterprises and social entrepreneurship development, project planning and management, organizational and community development, forest and landscape restoration, beekeeping; and regenerative agriculture.
Mayaya is thrilled to attain sustainable community development -UNSDGs2030 and AU2063 with vast field and lived experiences in NGO sector for 10+ years; working as social enterprise researcher and consultant, forest-beekeeping extension and consulting, community-based project developer; NGO leadership and management trainer, permaculture trainer - food forest systems designer and consultant; founded and coordinating several local and international organizations and programmes across the African continent and globally.
He is a National Focal Point (NFP) at GNDR Tanzania; an ED & founder of Sustainable Beekeeping and Human Development (SuBeHuDe); Co-founder & Program Coordinator at The New Wash Burn Foundation (NWBF); a mentor at Shinyanga Ecovillage Transition Youth Initiative (SET-Youth–I), and President & Managing Director at Sustainable Beekeeping for Development Company (SBDC) - a social enterprise for bees products, beekeeping value chain development and product innovation focusing on pure natural honey bee honey and beeswax processing, packaging and supplies across Tanzania and beyond.
He believe in the power of network and social movements to change the world. He is passionate about building networks who can drive the transition from not-work to network that effective engagement and interaction to address three dimensions of sustainability - Social, Economic and Environmental Development (SEED) aiming to create socially, economically and environmentally sustainable activities that allows both land and people to flourish while create a healthy and prosperous future for everyone.
Mayaya Kashinje Singu Mack – a social entrepreneur, researcher and consultant; specialized and experienced in social enterprises and social entrepreneurship development, project planning and management, organizational and community development, forest and landscape restoration, beekeeping; and regenerative agriculture.
Mayaya is thrilled to attain sustainable community development -UNSDGs2030 and AU2063 with vast field and lived experiences in NGO sector for 10+ years; working as social enterprise researcher and consultant, forest-beekeeping extension and consulting, community-based project developer; NGO leadership and management trainer, permaculture trainer - food forest systems designer and consultant; founded and coordinating several local and international organizations and programmes across the African continent and globally.
He is a National Focal Point (NFP) at GNDR Tanzania; an ED & founder of Sustainable Beekeeping and Human Development (SuBeHuDe); Co-founder & Program Coordinator at The New Wash Burn Foundation (NWBF); a mentor at Shinyanga Ecovillage Transition Youth Initiative (SET-Youth–I), and President & Managing Director at Sustainable Beekeeping for Development Company (SBDC) - a social enterprise for bees products, beekeeping value chain development and product innovation focusing on pure natural honey bee honey and beeswax processing, packaging and supplies across Tanzania and beyond.
He believe in the power of network and social movements to change the world. He is passionate about building networks who can drive the transition from not-work to network that effective engagement and interaction to address three dimensions of sustainability - Social, Economic and Environmental Development (SEED) aiming to create socially, economically and environmentally sustainable activities that allows both land and people to flourish while create a healthy and prosperous future for everyone.
Did you know that half of AFRICA’s gdp comes from just FIVE (5) countries? Here’s what to know: The Big 5 African economies — hashtag
#SouthAfrica 🇿🇦, hashtag
#Ethiopia 🇪🇹 —have a combined GDP of $1.4 trillion.
The rest of AFRICA, 48 countries in total (see note below), have a combined GDP of $1.4trillion, highlighting the deep economic divide within the continent.
Here are the TOP twelve (12) economies in AFRICA:
1 hashtag
#SouthAfrica 🇿🇦- $373.23
2 hashtag
#Egypt 🇪🇬- $347.59
3 hashtag
#Algeria 🇩🇿- $266.78
4 hashtag
#Nigeria 🇳🇬 - $252.74
5 hashtag
#Ethiopia 🇪🇹 - $205.13
6 hashtag
#Morocco 🇲🇦 - $152.38
7 hashtag
#Kenya 🇰🇪- $104.00
8 hashtag
#Angola 🇦🇴- $92.12
9 hashtag
#CôtedIvoire 🇨🇮- $86.91
10 hashtag
#Tanzania 🇹🇿- $79.61
11 hashtag
#Ghana 🇬🇭- $75.24
12 hashtag
#DRC 🇨🇩- $73.76
I am a young and energetic lady ready to make a difference in Africa. I'm really passionate about girl child empowerment and Education.