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How to access export-specific grants or subsidies in South Africa

Looking to take your business global and conquer new markets? As a South African exporter, you've got some great options when it comes to getting financial support for your export journey. Let's dive into how you can access those sweet, sweet export grants and subsidies!

The EMIA Scheme: Your Ticket to Export Success

The Export Marketing and Investment Assistance (EMIA) scheme, run by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC), is your go-to for export funding. This program aims to get more South African products and services out into the world and attract foreign investment. Here's what's on offer:

  1. Funding for exhibiting at international trade shows
  2. Assistance with primary market research in foreign countries
  3. Grants for bringing potential foreign buyers to South Africa
  4. Sector-specific funding for industry associations and export councils

Are You Eligible? Check the Criteria

To qualify for EMIA funding, your business needs to meet some key criteria:

  • Be a registered South African manufacturer or exporter
  • Have traded for at least one financial year (two for pavilions)
  • Offer products with at least 35% local content or value-add
  • Be tax-compliant and in good standing with SARS
  • Submit your application to the DTIC 2-6 months before your event

There are also some limitations to keep in mind, like a cap of 4 individual grants per year and only funding one company rep per event.

Individual Grants: Fly Solo and Shine

If you're keen to venture out on your own, individual EMIA grants have got you covered:

  • Individual Exhibitions: Get funding for exhibiting at recognized international trade shows, including stand costs, airfare, transport of samples, and marketing materials.
  • Primary Market Research: Planning a trip to scope out a new export market or meet potential investors? This grant helps with airfare, accommodation, and transport costs.
  • Individual Inward Missions: Invite foreign buyers or investors to visit your South African operations, with the EMIA covering their travel expenses.

Group Schemes: Strength in Numbers

For those who believe teamwork makes the dream work, EMIA's group offerings might be your jam:

  • National Pavilions: Join forces with other South African companies at major international exhibitions, with shared costs and logistics.
  • Outward Selling Missions: Participate in DTI-organized trade missions to target export markets.
  • Inward Buying and Investment Missions: Welcome foreign buyers and investors to South Africa for a tour of local industry and B2B networking.

Sector-Specific Support: Niche Needs

If you're part of an industry association or export council, you can tap into funding from the Sector Specific Assistance Scheme (SSAS) for:

  • Local and international exhibitions, pavilions and trade missions
  • Marketing materials like brochures, websites and advertising
  • Inward buyer and investment missions

How to Apply: Get Your Ducks in a Row

To give yourself the best shot at securing export funding, make sure you:

  • Have a clear export marketing plan and budget
  • Get your application in well before the event dates
  • Provide all the required documents, like financials and SARS clearance
  • Show how the funding will help grow your exports and create jobs

The DTIC has regional offices across SA to assist with the application process and answer any questions.

So there you have it - a whirlwind tour of the export funding landscape in South Africa. With some savvy planning and a compelling case, you could soon be jet-setting to new markets with government support. Go get 'em, export tigers!

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